After FinTechs and LegTechs, Regtechs (Regulatory technologies) are becoming the next big thing on the cybersecurity market. Designed to help organizations comply with an increasingly heavy and complex regulation, they offer tools and processes that enable them to integrate “security by design” in all their products and solutions. The entry into force of the GDPR on 24th May 2016 and its implementation from 25th May 2018 will be a unique opportunity for RegTechs to prove their effectiveness. But what is their real added value when trying to guarantee compliance? And how to use them ? What are the best practices ? Can the tools and processes they offer turn the compliance market upside down and allow them to assert themselves on this new market ?

Pierre-Olivier Grenouiller, Delegate director Strategy and Products at Legal IT Factory, and Maître Betty Sfez, from Sfez Avocats will join us to discuss these issues. (Other speakers to be confirmed)

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